A Letter from Donna Slaight

Dear friends, Basic necessities, like a toothbrush and a pair of socks, mean everything to patients who arrive with nothing. Spending time with animals can give patients a special moment of unconditional love. Help celebrate milestones in a patient’s recovery as they achieve personal goals.
When people come to CAMH in crisis, it’s one of the most challenging times of their lives. They often arrive alone, afraid and without any belongings. But we are here for them—because when people turn to CAMH for help, they’ll also find strength, courage and hope in their darkest moments.
For more than 10 years, Gifts of Light—through the support of the CAMH community—has been providing patients with basic necessities so they can focus on what matters most: their recovery. Gifts of Light are hand-selected gifts, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. In addition to personal care items such as toiletries and mittens, you can also enhance patient recovery through meaningful experiences like art and exercise programs and skill-building resources.
Gifts of Light touches the lives of more than 14,000 patients every year. Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the program has continued to give patients comfort and help them forge connections. Along with essential items, snacks and activities, Gifts of Light—with the support of donors like you—has been able to distribute over 500 tablets so patients can virtually visit with loved ones and engage in online recreational activities.
This year, as we navigate these unprecedented times, we hope you will help us reach even more patients by purchasing gifts such as our matched gifts like Emergency Kit and Milestone Recognition, generously matched by two of our sponsors, AGF Group Foundation and Kinross Gold. Matched gifts allow you to double your impact and remind patients that we will get through this together.
Over the years, I’ve heard so many CAMH patients say, “When I received a package from Gifts of Light, that’s when things changed for me.” You can be a catalyst for change—you can make a difference. With your help, we will support patients in their recovery by giving them strength, courage and hope for a better tomorrow.
With warm wishes,
Donna Slaight, C.M.
Chair, Gifts of Light Committee
Member, CAMH Foundation Board of Directors
Best Sellers
Emergency Kit
Pet Therapy
Milestone Recognition