Thank You

Since 2015, CAMH One Brave Night for Mental Health has fueled research, care and education at CAMH, rallying over 9,500 brave participants and 35,000 donors to raise more than $3.6 million.

One Brave Night will not be happening as a standalone campaign in 2020. Instead we have launched a brand new online fundraising platform that has all the same tools and resources but allows the flexibility to hold fundraisers of all different shapes and sizes at any time of year.

Whether you’re planning on showcasing your hidden talents, organizing a neighbourhood garage sale, celebrating a special occasion, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered! Visit our new Community and Workplace Fundraising portal at to start your fundraiser today.

We’ll provide you with the tools and resources you need to organize a successful event and raise funds to support CAMH, Canada’s leading mental health hospital.

Looking for your CAMH One Brave Night for Mental Health? tax receipt?

Thank you for supporting CAMH One Brave Night for Mental Health?! If your donation was made online, you should have automatically received a charitable tax receipt by email at the time of your gift. Sometimes these emails end up in junk mail folders. If it’s not there, please contact us at with the details of your gift so we can send re-send your tax receipt.