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Sunrise Challenge Week

Sunrise and Shine on CAMH - Monday

Today, we are pleased to introduce you to Dr. Michael Mak, a psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist at CAMH, who shares insights into his work at CAMH along with tips for improving sleep.

Sunrise and Shine on CAMH - Tuesday

Today, we are pleased to introduce you to Paula Harrington, Erin Roberts, Johnathan Pathmanathan and Angela Riddick who are part of the Gifts of Light team at CAMH. Gifts of Light is a unique program that supports our patients on their journey to recovery.

Sunrise and Shine on CAMH - Wednesday

Today's video features Dr. Wai Huang (Ho) Yu, an independent scientist with the Brain Health Imaging Centre, and the Adult Neurodevelopment and Geriatric Psychiatry division at CAMH. Dr. Yu shares insights into some of the research he is conducting on preventing Alzheimer's.

Sunrise and Shine on CAMH - Thursday

Today's video features Pamela Maddock, a Recreational Therapist at CAMH. Pamela will share stories about her work and the empowering impact it has on the patients she supports.

Sunrise and Shine on CAMH - Friday

Today's video features Dr. Shreejoy Tripathy, an Independent Scientist in the Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics. Dr. Tripathy shares insights into his work to identify and diagnose mental illness at the cellular level.


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1 231 participants

Chaque dollar fait pencher la balance.
Merci de vous être levée avec nous.


Merci à nos généreux commanditaires de s'être levés avec nous pour transformer le Défi du lever du jour en réalité. Ensemble, nous stimulerons les avancées en recherche, accélérerons le rythme des découvertes et montrerons aux personnes atteintes de maladies mentales qu'elles ne sont pas laissées pour compte.

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