Sponsor Stories

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Peace Collective

Peace Collective logo

Peace Collective started openly speaking about mental health awareness in 2020. We began with a small collection of garments with the phrase “mental health matters” on it. Our move into the mental health space came as a result of the mental health issues we saw the world struggle with as a result of isolation from the Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone’s lives were flipped upside down and this was the first time many people really struggled with their mental health. We saw how the effects of isolation not only affected our community but people within our own organization. This is when we realized the importance of building a safe space for people to speak about mental health. The success of our mental health collection allowed us to see how important the topic is to our audience and pushed us to continue opening up a dialogue about mental health.

We rise with CAMH because we want to help break the stigma surrounding mental health. Peace Collective rises for everyone who struggles with their mental health. We want to work towards breaking the stigma of mental health and let people know that they are not alone. Mental health needs to be treated with the same care as physical health. We want people to know that there is always help available and making it out of the darkness is always possible. Mental health affects us all in some way or another. Whether it’s you or someone you know, we always want people in our community to know that getting help is possible. There are resources available to you and there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


Merci à nos généreux commanditaires de s'être levés avec nous pour transformer le Défi du lever du jour en réalité. Ensemble, nous stimulerons les avancées en recherche, accélérerons le rythme des découvertes et montrerons aux personnes atteintes de maladies mentales qu'elles ne sont pas laissées pour compte.

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