The Friend's of Matt's Swing For Change Memorial Golf Tournament
The Baker Boy's are holding a Golf Tournament honouring the memory of our friend, Matt Hershberg to support CAMH, Canada's leading mental health hospital.
There is no better way to honour Matt than to play some golf and help with the scourge of mental illness by donating to help beat this horrible disease.
Golf to Matt was such an integral part of his life. Through golf, Matt was able to make many new friends and all of us were enriched to be among them! To understand the importance of golf in his life, specifically the Baker Boys group all you need to understand is what Judy spoke about at his funeral, in the beginning if you asked Matt what he was doing that day he would answer “I’m going to play golf with DAD'S friends, later on if you asked him what he was doing, he would answer " I'm going golfing with MY friends"
With your support, we can change how the world sees and treats mental illness. we can help researchers and clinicians time to make breakthroughs and offer new treatment options.
Please donate today and help us reach our fundraising goal.
As Matt's friends, let's remember him and honour him by making a difference.