Community and Workplace Fundraisers

Muse Mustaches

Hi Friends,

For the month of November, Interaxon employees will be growing their Mustaches. We are fundraising for CAMH to help support mental illness.  Feel free to participate with us!!

If certain fundraising thresholds are met, the gentlemen in the Customer Care Department will partake in some goofy activities.

- If $100 is reached by the end of this week, they will shave in a handlebar mustache

- If $500 is reached, the Interaxon team can throw pies at Shalin, Kyle and Dan's faces

- If $1000 is reached, they will dye their mustaches 

- If $3000 is reached, they will do a polar dip in Lake Ontario in December.

Please help us support a great cause, while looking embarrassing all month!

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