2023 Sunrise Challenge

Christian Virtual School

We’re raising money in support of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health by participating in the 2023 Sunrise Challenge. We'll be waking up with the sun for one week (May 29 - June 2) to raise awareness for this great cause!

By making a donation to our team, you are supporting groundbreaking research and treatment for thousands of people living with mental illness, including addiction. The contributions you make now will go a long way to shape the future of mental health.

Please make a donation today to support mental health and help us reach our fundraising goal!

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Thank you to our generous sponsors for rising with us to make the Sunrise Challenge possible. Together, we can fuel research breakthroughs, accelerate the pace of discovery and show people with mental illness that they're not alone.

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Thank you to our generous sponsors for rising with us to make the Sunrise Challenge possible. Together, we can fuel research breakthroughs, accelerate the pace of discovery and show people with mental illness that they're not alone.

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